Job Listings

The IAA maintains a list of vacant positions as a service to our members and the professional community. The list is posted on the IAA website and distributed at no charge to IAA members.

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Posted July 3, 2024

Clinical Anaplastologist Training and Private Practice Ownership Opportunity 

Business Name: Medical Art Prosthetics, LLC

Address: 7818 Big Sky Drive, Suite 111, Madison, WI 53719 (Opportunities available in Wisconsin and other US locations)

Contact Name: Gregory Gion, MMS, CCA, BOCP

Phone: (608)658-2568
E-mail: [email protected]

Position Opportunities: All levels from training of entry level anaplastologist to transitioning ownership of established private practice to a capable anaplastologist or clinician for Madison, Wisconsin or other Medical Art Prosthetics location. Several nationwide opportunities currently available.

Full Time, Part Time, Contract or Other: Full time/part time positions and contract/partner arrangements available for Wisconsin and other locations across the USA.

Job Description: Maximum flexibility will be available to highly motivated medical artists or practitioners already providing services such as facial/somatic prosthetics, mastectomy prosthetics, or ocularistry. Those from other backgrounds like limb prosthetics/orthotics/pedorthics, nursing, audiology, etc., who have an artistic background are also encouraged to contact us. We offer training, employee positions, or contract opportunities in Wisconsin, and in other states. Employee positions and contract arrangements will be tailored to the skill set, experience, and location preferences of the applicant/practitioner. Experienced resident or lead clinical anaplastologists will be responsible for new and existing patients and referral sources, welcoming prospective patient inquiries, and completion of full patient treatment from consultation through delivery of devices and follow up. We welcome the academic/university staff anaplastologist who is ready to take full ownership of their own fully autonomous private clinical anaplastology practice.

Skills, Experience or Qualifications: Share with us your interest or experience in device fabrication and patient treatment and management of one or more prosthetics-related skill sets. (Examples: facial and somatic, ocular, breast/somatic, extremity prosthetics and orthotics, etc.). A certification in one or more prosthetic disciplines is highly desirable, but not required. In lieu of certification/credentials a portfolio of case results and/or specific recommendations by credentialed practitioners will be considered. Experience with digital technologies, website, and social media design, and/or office management experience will be highly valuable. We encourage you to inquire about our organization and network.

Compensation: $50,000 - $150,000 annual salary commensurate with experience. Compensation may be available for internship/training. Higher compensation based on university experience or level of independent practice. Options all the way through owner/partner. MAP continues a history of championing the independent CCA or other practitioner using a compensation scale based on the physician sweat equity professional proforma.

An experienced CCA will receive a compensation proposal competitive with senior university staff positions or established private practices.

Instructions: We will require emailing of a cover letter and CV/resume, but please feel free to call or email (see above) to make an initial introduction. As fellow practitioners in the prosthetic arts we welcome all submissions. All discussions and all materials submitted will be respected as very personal and kept strictly confidential.

Thank you for your interest!