Journal of Facial and Somato Prosthetics
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- JFSP 1.1.01 Multipoint Measurement of Skin-Stretching at the Knee and Ankle - Robert Erb
- JFSP 1.1.09 Fabrication of a Custom Polyurethane Breast Prosthesis - Jane Otto
- JFSP 1.1.17 Wax Bolus Compensators for Use in Treating Irregular Surfaces in Radiation Therapy - Robert McKinstry
- JFSP 1.1.23 Considerations and Modifications in Fitting and Refitting Ocular Prostheses to Hydroxyapatite Implants - Patrick Boyd
- JFSP 1.1.29 A Practical Method of Bonding Silicone Elastomer to Acrylic Resin - Jack Zolty
- JFSP 1.1.33 Extrinsic Coloring of Silicone Facial Prostheses with Alcohol and Dry Pigments - William Clearihue
- JFSP 1.1.47 Revision of Implant Retained Auricular Prosthesis. A Case Study - Rick Jude, Mark Kielich
- JFSP 2.1.01 Rehabilitation of Irradiated Cancer Patients with Tissue-Integrated Prostheses Adjunctive Use of Hyperbaric Oxygen to Improve Osseointegration - Gösta Granström
- JFSP 2.1.13 The Care of Laryngectomized Patients with Individually Fitted Tracheostomy Cannulae - Bernd Reitmeier, Annette Schmidt
- JFSP 2.1.19 Implants in Radiated Maxillas and Mandibles That Have Been Augmented and Reconstructed - H Schiel, CH Besimo, B Hammer
- JFSP 2.1.27 Prosthetic Procedures for Orbital Defects Technique and Case Study - Kerstin Bergström
- JFSP 2.1.37 Specific Fixation Possibilities of Maxillofacial Prostheses in Relation to the Initial Site - Claus Fritzemeier, Joachim Rings
- JFSP 2.1.43 Biomechanical Considerations for Implant-Supported Orbital Prostheses - Bo Rangert
- JFSP 2.1.51 New Materials and Coloring Techniques in Epithetics - Peter Bucher, Claude Jaquiery, Nicholas Lüscher, Joachim Prein
- JFSP 2.1.57 Anchoring Epitheses with IMZ Implants - J Neugebauer, P Federspil, M Schedler, N Schilling
- JFSP 2.2.77 Analysis of Bond Strength Berween A2186™ Silicone and PMMA in Osseointegrated Implant Retained Facial Prosthetic Applications - J. Woronuk, j. Wolfaardt, G. Faulkner, B. Pinchbeck
- JFSP 2.2.85 Spectrophotometry and Formulations for Coloring Facial Prosthetic Silicone Elastomer A Pilot Clinical Trial - R. Troppman, J. Wolfaardt, M. Grace, A. James
- JFSP 2.2.93 Fabrication of a Custom Ocular Moisture Chamber - I. Healey, L. de Groot
- JFSP 2.2.99 A Retrospective Study on the Effects of Chemotherapy on Osseointegration - J. Wolfaardt, G. Granstrom, B. Friberg, N Jha, A. Tjellstrom
- JFSP 2.2.109 Custom Ocular Impression Trays - B. J. Miller
- JFSP 2.2.115 Two United States Presidents and Their Treatment for Oral Cancer - Robert McKinstry
- JFSP 2.2.123 Photographic Imaging of Facial Prostheses - J. Wolfaardt, B. Marston, M. Prasad
- JFSP 2.2.131 Surgical Templates for Auricular Reconstruction - J. Wolfaardt, R. Troppmann, G. Wells, P Coss
- JFSP 3.1.1 Frequency of Granulation Tissue around Titanium Implants in the Orbit - Marcus Curi, Gosta Granstrom, Anders Tjellstrom
- JFSP 3.1.7 BIOCORAL™ An Alternative Bone Substitute in Oral, Maxillofacial, and Plastic Surgery - Frank Soost
- JFSP 3.1.13 Fabrication of an Ocular Prosthesis Using a Custom Jig - Noel J. Gully
- JFSP 3.1.19 Titanium Retention Buttons for Epithetic Fixation - S. Horlitz, J Horlitz, R. Fisher
- JFSP 3.1.23 Psychocial Issues in the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Patients with Oral and Head and Neck Cancer - K Herzmann, j. Schwenke, U Eckelt
- JFSP 3.1.33 A Method of Attaching an Orbital Ptosthesis to Spectacle Frames - B. Leeming, A. Renk
- JFSP 3.1.39 Difficulties in the Epithetic Treatment of Orbital Defects after Irradiation - Rudiger Wachter, Gunter Lauer, Wilfred Schilli, Beat Mertz
- JFSP 3.1.55 Material Characteristics of a New Epithetic Material Palamed 2000 - Bernd Reitemeier, Sabastian Seidel
- JFSP 3.1.73 Custom Silicone Partial Hand Prostheses Fabricated From Flexible Polyurerthane Molds - Paula Sauerborn
- JFSP 3.1.81 Adhesive Retained Orbital Prostheses That Accommodate Underlying Tissue Movement - Jack Zolty
- JFSP 3.1.89 A Psychologist's Perspective on Clinical Practice in Anaplastology - Brian D. Doan
- JFSP 3.1.95 Using a Transparent Silicone Mold to Fabricate a Facial Prosthesis - Irene Healey
- JFSP 3.1.105 Processing an Implant-Retained Auricular Prosthesis A Technique - David Trainer
- JFSP 4.1.23 Symptons Six Monthes before the Appearance of a Malignant or Psychosomatic Illness - Anne Wolowski
- JFSP 4.1.29 Prosthetic Restoration of Nasal Defects Indications for Two Different Osseo integrated Implant Systems - Horst Menneking, Martin Klein, Berthold Hell, Jurgen Bier
- JFSP 4.1.35 Communication and Visual Problem-Solving for the Optimal Prosthetic Rehabilitation - Gillian Duncan
- JFSP 4.1.43 Bonegrafting and Sigittal Implantation to Support an Orbital Prosthesis - Norbert Schwenzer
- JFSP 4.1.49 Implant-Supported Overdenture Rehabilitation with Prosthesis-Supported Condylar Guidance and Partial Mandibular Resection A Case Report - Lieve Zeghbroeck, Emanual Rotman
- JFSP 4.2.73 Visible Light-Cured Resin Compression Stent in the Treatment of Auricular Keloids - Robert McKinstry
- JFSP 4.2.83 Orbital Rehabilitation with Magnetic Retention - David Trainer
- JFSP 4.2.93 Advances in Upper Extremity Prosthetics in the United States during World War II and Early PostWorld War II Era - Paula Sauerborn
- JFSP 4.2.105 PMMA Implant Fabrication, Utilizing the Photopolymer Solid Ground Forming Process - William J Clearihue, Michael J Groth, John C. Noel
- JFSP 4.2.119 Results of the Experimental Study of Elasto-Synsil 30 and Episil E
- JFSP 4.2.123 Retention and Stability Problems in a Patient with a Large Combined Intra- and Extraoral Defect A Case Report - Henk W D. Verdonck, Rob Peters, Leo L. Visch
- JFSP 4.2.129 Implant Reconstructive Prostheses in the Mandible after Ablative Surgery A Rationale for Treatment Planning - Harry Reintsema, Robert VanOort, Peter Schoen, Gerry Raghoebar
- JFSP 5.1.1 Molding Considerations in Prosthetic Rehabilitation - Keith F Thomas
- JFSP 5.1.7 Craniofacial Peri implant Healing Discs A Preliminary Report - Horst Menneking, Martin Klein, Hanno Schmitz, Michael Hasenpusch
- JFSP 5.1.11 A New Orbital prosthesis with a Mobile Upper Eyelid - Martin Klein, Horst Menneking, Michael Hasenpusch, Hanno Schmitz, Hans Locke, Jurgen Bier
- JFSP 5.1.19 Improved Retention of Eye Prostheses with Free Buccal Mucosa Transplant - Horst Menneking, Martin Klein, Berthold Hell, Jurgen Bier
- JFSP 5.1.23 In vitro Model (HaCat cell culture) for Studying Epidermal Adhesion to Surface Modified Abutments - M Klein, T Holfild, H Menneking, P Moormann, C GrosseSiestrup, J Bier
- JFSP 5.1.29 Color Stability in Colored Silicone after Artificial Weathering - Bruce Leeming, Alfred Renk, Stephan Olberding, Klaus Sigel, Heinz Mohle
- JFSP 5.1.35 Microbiological Flora Around Percutaneus Craniofacial Implants - Martin Klein, Horst Menneking, Edith Zill, Christian Grosse-Siestrup, Jurgen Bier
- JFSP 5.1.41 A Historical Overview of the Psychosocial Effects of Facial Disfigurement - Alfred Renk
- JFSP 5.2.71 The Fabrication of a Digital Prosthesis Incorporating an Endoskeleton or Infrastructure for Improved Mobility - Wendy A. Smith
- JFSP 5.2.79 Combination Resilient and Rigid Tracheostoma Vents for Tracheal Stenosis - Robert McKinstry
- JFSP 5.2.85 Finite-Element-Calculations of magnetic Fields and Separation Forces of Titanium Encapsulated Sm2CO17-Magnets Insened in the Human Body - J Probst, T Fizia, H Stemmann, R Thull
- JFSP 5.2.91 Resorable Implants in Maxillofacial Reconstruction - Dayle Johnson
- JFSP 5.2.103 Preliminary Results of the Dimensional Accuracy of Impressions for Maxillofacial Prostheses in the Sitting and Reclining Patient - Bernd Reitememeier, Annette Schmidt, Julia Guntzer
- JFSP 5.2.109 The Custom Conformer Technique for the Fabrication of Artificial Eyes - Gregory T Anerino
- JFSP 5.2.115 Silicone Epithesis Retained by Magnets An Alternative to Conventional Fixation Methods - Michaela Biet- Weber, Mustafa Farmand, Karl Lechner
- JFSP 6.1.1 Aluminum Flask Fabrication for Large Facial Prostheses - Eric Asher, John Evans, Robert Wright, Marjorie Golden
- JFSP 6.1.11 Clinical Experiences Using Different Extraoral Implant Systems after Orbital Exenteration - Hans Becker, Dieter Franz-Hausmann, David Trainer, Roland Merz, Hans Merten, Jorg Wildfong
- JFSP 6.1.19 The Genetics of Anophthalmia & Microphthalmia - Tanya Bardakjian, Lisa Steinberg, Adele Schneider
- JFSP 6.1.29 Combined Extra- and Intraoral Defects Their Repair by Reconstructive Surgery and Dental and Facial Prostheses - Volker Schwipper, Huburtus Tilkorn
- JFSP 6.1.39 Folklore Associated With Facial Deformities - Robert McKinstry
- JFSP 6.1.47 Craniofacial Malformations A Review with Special Regard to Prosthetic Aspects - Andreas Meiss, Ina Lutkemeyer-Meiss, B. Meier
- JFSP 7.1.1 Use of Toe Ring to Aid in Retention of a Prosthetic Toe - Stephen Alfano, Robert Taft, Alfred Sawyer
- JFSP 7.1.7 Visible Light-Cured Resin as a Mold material for Intranasal Radiation Shields - Robert McKinstry
- JFSP 7.1.15 A Timeline for Medpor Implant and Peg Procedure - Barbara Spohn-Lillo
- JFSP 7.1.21 Effect of Water Soak on Bond of Silicone to Primed Polyurethane - Hong-Ying Deng, Samuel Zwetchkenbaum
- JFSP 7.1.27 Creating a Silicone Appliance for Special Effects in a Condensation Tin Cure Elastomer - John McFall, David Trainer
- JFSP 7.1.39 Developments in Artificial Limb Prosthetics from Antiquity to World War I A Chronology - Robert McKinistry
- JFSP 8.1.1 Simple Two-Piece Mold-Making Technique for Orbital Prostheses - Nyeema A. Morgan, Eric S. Asher
- JFSP 8.1.9 Principles of Fixation Methods with Minimagnets - Gerolf Gehl
- JFSP 8.1.21 Diagnosis and Treatment of Latex Allergy - Richard Edlich, Freddie Williams
- JFSP 8.1.31 Fabrication of Cranial Implants Using Fused Deposition Modeling Technology - Steven G. Alfano, Robert M. Taft, Robert Robinson
- JFSP 8.1.37 Mirror Image Twins Discordant for Hypodontia A Case Report - Robert E. McKinstry
- JFSP 8.2.65 A Nonsurgical Approach for Magnetic Attachment of Prosthetic Ears - Robert Erb
- JFSP 8.2.79 Lip Prosthesis for Body Dysmorphic Disorder A Case Report - David Reisberg, Susan Habakuk, Camille Rea, Graciela Val, Andrew Jose
- JFSP 8.2.93 Fabrication of Ocular Scleral Lens - Joseph Gorrin, Boyd Gardo
- JFSP 8.2.101 Properties of Materials for Maxillofacial Prostheses Treated With a Liner - Annette Schmidt, Dan Lesche, Bernd K Reitemeier
- JFSP 9.1.1 Cytotoxicity Using the ISO Elution Method - David Trainer, John McFall
- JFSP 9.1.7 Fabrication of a Retentive Carrier for Facial Prostheses - Stephen Alfano, Louis Gilbert
- JFSP 9.1.17 Gypsum Materials in the Ocular Prosthetics Lab - Randal E. Minor
- JFSP 9.1.29 ISO Skin Irritation Study in the Rabbit - David Trainer, John McFall
- JFSP 9.1.35 Distant Evaluation of Skin Health Teleassessment of Individuals in Remote Settings With Spinal Cord Injury and Pressure Ulcers - L Halstead, T Dang, M Elrod, R Convit, MJ Rosen, S Woods
- JFSP 9.2.57 The Color Stability of Maxillofacial Elastomers in Combination with UV Inhibitors - Suzanne Verma, Susan Habakuk, Mark Beatty
- JFSP 9.2.69 Electroformed Galvanic Gold Base for Anatomically Retained Orbital Prosthesis - Paul Gorlach
- JFSP 9.2.75 Simple Modification of a Three-Piece Auricular Mold to Improve Durability and Handling - Sharon Haggerty, Deane Benninghoven
- JFSP 9.2.81 Microbial Growrh on Midfacial Prostheses Identification, Treatment, and Prevention - Gilberte Spinelli, Eric Asher
- JFSP 9.2.93 Uses of a Vacuum-Formed Material for the Maxillectomy Patient - Stephen Alfano, Gerald Grant, Louis Gilbert, Robert Robinson
- JFSP 10.1.1 Post-Enucleation Socket Syndrome An Ocularist's View - Kuldeep Raizada, Didda Rani, Santosh Hanovar, Malind Naik
- JFSP 10.1.13 Development of Effective Patient Education Materials for Prosthetic Rehabilitation - Kristin Lynch Maschal
- JFSP 10.1.37 Fabrication of an Absorbent Silicone-Coated Dressing Carrier - Timothy Bartlett, Stephen Alfano, Louis Gilbert, Albert Parulis
- JFSP 10.1.43 Flying Engineer Teaches Thousands to See With One Eye The 30-Year Background of the book A Singular View - Michael Hughes, Julius Axelrod