International Anaplastology Association
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AAWS Webinar: Photography in Anaplastology
Thursday, December 15, 2022, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EDT
Category: Events

As Anaplastologists, documenting our work through photos and videos is more important than ever. Images of our work allow us to document each case serving as a record for us, a reference for future clients and when we are permitted to share photos publicly, an opportunity to share our work to spread awareness about the field.  We spend weeks perfecting each prosthesis, we should not rush or disregard capturing the final results. From equipment and lighting to artistic composition, Vicky Dessureault, Michaela Calhoun and Gina Cohen share their individual techniques for capturing the highest quality images of their case results.

Presenter: Michaela Calhoun, CCA, Gina Cohen, CCA, and Vicky Dessureault